Monday, July 30, 2007

We're back!

We're back from our short vacation and glad to be back! We went to go visit some family in Mexico. We had a lot of fun, no internet access and no phones, very relaxing. We will be posting some of the pictures we took later once we get settled and back on track. But here is a picture of us so everyone can see what we look like, I know we are always curious to see what people look like! It was taken by a relative with their point and shoot camera. Please forgive the graininess of the photo!
Cesar & Tanya
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


ExNihilo said...

Great work... It was fun meeting you yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Great work and gald to finally see the people I stalk once in a while! What an inspiration you both are to me!
Gina (Michigan)

Anonymous said...

Wow it's great to see who's blgo I stalk once in a while. You both are an inspiration to me.

Gina (Michigan)

Anonymous said...

aa tus fotos m enqantan!*...

se ven bn lindoOs n esa piC*

aver si qoandoO voelva a ir loOs veoO ia qe sta ves noO :( i m nseniias a toOmar pics asi si? jeje